Friday, February 19, 2010

To Label or Not to Label??? That is the Question...

So it's 2010, we're out here! Doing things our way, working hard to keep making our dreams come true and not apologizing to anyone for being so strong. However, when it comes to relationship labels are we still old-fashioned? How important is having a label when you're dating someone? Surprisingly, through a little research i've discovered that to a lot of females this label is not an issue anymore. In my opinion, an understanding puts my mind at ease much faster than a label ever could. Let's set up a scenario shall we...You've been dating this dude for about mmm, 7 months. He's adorable of course, the chemistry is on point, sex is great, you're both progressively working towards goals and taking care of business. Even better, he actually communicates! You two talk with such ease that you could swear you knew him in your past life. With that being said you've both discussed that you aren't seeing other people and are enjoying growing together. It is understood that if you do feel that you've become intrigued by someone else that you'll talk to one another about it. Is this not ideal? Or are you dying to put a time limit on when you should actually label what you are? If you have someone that is your "boyfriend" but your relationship is nothing like what I described above, then what do you really have? Is it a security issue? Or maybe you do have someone you call your boyfriend and he is like the guy I described above and you're with him for years but he never seems to want to move past this label. How long do you hang on to this boyfriend? Now don't get me wrong i'm not saying to never have a clear understanding of exactly where you are in your relationship but what I am saying is that I don't see the point in stressing over this labeling. The substance of the relationships book is much more important than the cover. Where do you stand on the issue? Lets discuss! As always, Keep it Sexy, xoxo


  1. It depends on how you really feel about the issue. If he acts like a boyfriend, talks and walks like a boyfriend, but he's hesitant to call himself your boyfriend, and that bothers you, maybe you should back up and date someone else along with him.
    If it doesn't bother you, let it ride. But if I'm walking, talking, acting like I'm your girl, and you can't claim me as such, please believe I'm dating other men or at least open to it...until he gets the picture- if I even want him to get the picture. Point being- you should put up with whatever you are comfortable with. Tis all!

  2. totally agree w Ms.Luck!! the title thing can be a bit over rated but at the end of the day i find most females hold it high b/c of the respect that comes w it..if he is willing to put a label on it that shows/proves to many women how much respect he has for you as the women in his life..almost like a pedistal.. EITHER WAY as yall mentioned above its the SUBSTANCE of the relationship.. most dudes calling chicks their wifeys and vice vera mean while they cant be faithful to save their life..its just crazy times we live in period lol
